Father Theobald Spetz
Council 5135 is named after Father Theobald Spetz, C.R., D.D.,
a figurehead of the faith in Waterloo.

Monday May 13, 1850 | Born in Erbsville, ON Parents Joseph Spetz (Germany) and Anna Herres (Prussia) Younger sibling to Joseph H. and Ludwina Older sibling to Mary Ann, Leo, Josephena, Rev. Andrew, Frances, Emma Magdelena, William, and Anna | |
1866 – 1870 | Age 16 – 20 | Attended Saint Jerome’s College and graduated as one of its first students |
1870 | Age 20 | Enters the novitiate in St. Agatha under Father Eugene Funken |
1870 – 1872 | Age 20 – 22 | Taught at St. Mary’s College (Kentucky) Prep Seminary. (Historic Place Nomination, Map) |
1872 – 1877 September 12, 1877 | Age 22 – 27 Age 27 | Studied for the priesthood in Rome While in Rome, ordained as a Priest in the Congregation of the Resurrection |
1878 – 1883 | Age 28 – 33 | Administrator of the mission in New Hamburg, which would become the future Holy Family Parish |
1878 – 1890 | Age 28 – 40 | Assists Dr. Louis Funcken, C.R. at Saint Mary’s Church, Berlin |
1878 – 1901 1890 – 1898 | Age 28 – 51 Age 40 – 48 | Faculty member of Saint Jerome’s College President |
1890 1890 – 1911 February 26, 1911 | Age 40 Age 40 – 60 Age 60 | Established Saint Louis Parish for $8,000 First Pastor Farewell sermon during High Mass |
1911 – 1915 | Age 60 – 65 | Assumes Pastorship at Saint Mary’s Church, Berlin after the death of Rev. Dr. William Kloepfer, C.R. |
1915 – September 1921 | Age 65 – 71 | Involved in parochial work in Waterloo and Berlin |
1916 | Age 66 | Completes the work, “The Catholic Church in Waterloo County“ |
Mid September 1921 | Father Spetz suffers a paralytic stroke. After his first paralytic stroke he seemed to be mentally preoccupied and aware of his approaching life’s end, remarking to a friend: “This is the beginning of the end.” Thus closed the earthly career and usefulness of a many-sided man, who, of humble origin, by unselfish ambition and religious faith attained a few comparatively great objects in his civil and priestly life. | |
September 27, 1921 | Taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Guelph | |
Thursday December 1, 1921 3:15pm | 71y, 6m, 19d | Father Theobald Spetz dies |
Addition information about Fr. Spetz and the history of the Catholic Church in the Waterloo Area can be found in his book: “The Catholic Church in Waterloo County“, written by Fr. Spetz.